Did you know that the avocado is a fruit?

Technically, the avocado is a fruit! It has been cultivated for approximately 10,000 years in Central and South America, and only recently made it’s way into the cuisine of other regions during the 1800’s . In some areas, it’s known as the alligator pear, and you can understand why when you feel it’s bumpy, green skin. Even though the avocado is a fruit, it’s low in sugar, rich in monosaturated fat, and has almost 20 essential nutrients.

Nutritional benefits of avocado

Aside from providing healthy fats, avocados give you close to 20 essential nutrients, such as potassium, which helps balance your vitally important potassium to sodium ratio.

Monounsaturated fats

have been shown to reverse insulin resistance and regulate blood sugar levels. Monounsaturdated fats are the main dietary fat found in Mediterranean diet which has been long recognized to protect against cardiovascular disease, stroke and several other disease processes.


Avocados contain oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that can improve memory and brain activity. (3) Oleic acid in turn helps the body with carotenoid absorption. Carotenoids are chemical compounds that give certain fruits and vegetables their bright yellow, orange or red color. Beta-carotene is one of the most common carotenoids. Carotenoid benefits include lowering inflammation, promoting healthy growth and development, and boosting immunity, among others.


Nutrients found in avocados


Avocado contains both water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins work together with essential minerals to benefit metabolic processes such as thyroid function. The water-soluble vitamins are those that are not stored in your body, so they be must consumed every day. Avocados are one of the better ways to get these nutrients in.


Avocados are a great source of trace minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, iron, and copper. In fact, avocado contains twice as much potassium as two bananas, making it a great was to treat low potassium.


Avocado contains more soluble fiber than most foods. Fiber helps to stabilize blood sugar and helps to regulate bowel movements.

Protein & carbohydrates

This amazing fruit is actually high in protein and low in sugar. Vegetarian bodybuilders have known for years that avocado is a great food to eat to help build lean muscle and burn fat.


Avocados are good for the eyes because they contain antioxidant phytochemicals, which prevent oxidative damage (free radicals) that can change DNA and cellular mutations.


Also rich in folate, avocados can be consumed daily to help prevent certain birth defects like spina bifida and neural tube defects. Some research has shown that folate-rich foods can also help prevent strokes.


Phytonutrients is a fancy word for anti-inflammatory compounds found in foods. These are important to help reduce the risk of  inflammatory and degenerative disorders that can affect every part of the body — including joints, the heart, brain, internal organ systems, skin and connective tissue.


How to use an Avocado in recipes

Even though avocado is classfied as a fruit, it’s creamy flavor goes very well with savory foods. You can eat it plain, with a little bit of salt. Or you can cut it up into cubes or slices and it to salads. is a very versatile fruit. Its creamy flavor goes well with many foods, making it a refreshing and nutritious addition to various recipes, like sandwiches, smoothies, and even dips.

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